Fork-11 Tuning Fork Level Switch with Cable Extension
The Jiwei Fork-11 Tuning Fork Level Switch with Suspension Cable is a rod level switch with a cable extension for powdery and fine-grained bulk solids with density as low as 0.008g/cm³.
Jiwei Sanitary Tuning Fork Level Switches Applied in Liquor Industry
The client reported that all tuning fork liquid level switches have been working stably and reliably without false alarm, which effectively guarantees the production progress.
Fork-11 Tuning Fork Level Switces Applied in Electrical Machinery Company
Jiwei offers Fork-11 to perfectly solve the problems, and gains clients great favour since Fork-11 have come into service.
Reed-11/Reed-21S Remote Transmitter
Reed-11 converts liquid level status to a 4~20mA signal and transmits it to remote console or control center to monitor and control the liquid level in real-time.