Introduction to Magnetic Level Gauge

A Magnetic Level Gauge, also known as a Magnetic Level Indicator or Magnetic Level Gauge, is a device used to measure the level of liquids within a tank or a vessel. It provides a clear and accurate visual indication of the liquid level, often in real-time. Here’s an overview of its key components and working principle:

Key Components

  1. Main Chamber: A vertical chamber that is attached to the side of the tank or vessel. This chamber contains the liquid whose level is to be measured.
  2. Float: A magnetic float inside the chamber that rises and falls with the liquid level.
  3. Indicator flaps: These are magnetic s or rollers mounted on the exterior of the chamber. Each flap or roller flips to show different colors, typically red and white, to indicate the liquid level.
  4. Scale: A graduated scale attached alongside the indicator flaps to provide a precise reading of the liquid level.
Introduction to Magnetic Level Gauge
Scales of Magnetic Level Gauge

Working Principle

The operation of a Magnetic Level Gauge is based on the principles of buoyancy and magnetism:

  1. Float Movement: As the liquid level inside the tank or vessel changes, the float inside the main chamber moves up or down correspondingly.
  2. Magnetic Coupling: The float contains a magnet, which creates a magnetic field that interacts with the magnetic flaps on the exterior of the chamber.
  3. Indication: As the float moves, the magnetic field causes the indicator flaps to rotate, changing their color to indicate the level of the liquid. Typically, the part of the chamber filled with liquid will have flaps showing one color (e.g., red), and the empty part will show another color (e.g., white).


  • Visual Clarity: Provides a clear and easily readable indication of the liquid level.
  • Durability: Typically constructed from robust materials, making it suitable for harsh environments.
  • No Power Requirement: Operates mechanically without the need for external power.
  • Low Maintenance: Simple design with minimal moving parts reduces the need for frequent maintenance.


Magnetic Level Gauges are widely used in various industries including:

  • Chemical and Petrochemical: For monitoring levels of corrosive or hazardous liquids.
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment: For tracking water levels in treatment plants and reservoirs.
  • Food and Beverage: In hygienic environments to measure levels of food-grade liquids.
  • Pharmaceutical: For precise level measurement in the production of pharmaceuticals.
Introduction to Magnetic Level Gauge
Flap-11 Magnetic Level Gauge Used by Dezhou Shihua Chemical Co., Ltd.

In summary, Magnetic Level Gauges provide an effective and reliable solution for continuous level measurement of liquids in diverse industrial applications. Their simplicity, accuracy, and durability make them a popular choice for operators looking to maintain precise control over liquid levels in their processes.
